Saturday 29 April 2017

Confusingly Confused

Have you ever thought of controlling a dice throw?
Won't you always hold a superior hand, if you can influence the toss of a coin?
Will you ever be sad or disheartened, if you can always turn the situations in your favour?

Yes! One has the freedom of choice; the freedom to choose right words and actions,
But each individual has different tendencies towards the worthiness of life and its outcomes,
Some are smart and agile, some are always late but ends up being fortunate,
Some are hardworking and fruitful, and some always give up just at the edge.
So, there are millions of approaches but only with one mental tendency,
That each person always inclines for satisfaction and happiness in everything he does.

That whatever the situations and circumstances may it be,
We always expect to manage everything to make anything worthy,
That we always tend to be positive about the result,
That we anticipate the things to be in our favour, even if it is on the negative side,
Like, we always want to win the match even if the situations are  more favourable to the rivals,
And we find happiness in a little satisfaction we get, than to be on the other side.

So, regardless of situations, each individual actually wants everything to be satisfying,
That one always wants a favourable dice throw to ultimately win the race,
That one always wants to win a toss or even to lose it  to make it more favourable,
That one even tends to manipulate his approaches to turn the situations in his favour.

But remember, Even the Situations have their own favourable situations,
That their favourable situations are always satisfying to them.
And their satisfying situations may or may not be favourable to you.

So, if You're still thinking of 'YES' to those questions,
then You seriously need Help.

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