Sunday 26 February 2017

Mysteriosophy of Expectations

Is it?
The urge of yearning and searching keeps you dragged on,
That, Expectations ultimately lead to your Death.
Yes, Life is a set of non sequential expectations and their consequences.
that is, expectations dragging you and expectations, being dragged by you.

When you expect something honestly,
even your truest emotions get set up for the outcomes.
You are sad because you were expecting to be on the other side.
And being alright and happy is because you were looking for it and 
even beyond that.

Being wistful, joyous or being fortunate..
it's all about how and what you were looking for.
This itch of  looking out for something or someone keeps you moving till your death.
And, your death wasn't expected by someone or may be someone else was looking for it. 

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Saturday 25 February 2017

Populated Attitudes

Watch out!

Know the world where you live in,
Try to notice the smallest things happening around you,
each and every fraction of seconds of your time has a significant meaning stored beneath.

When you make a slightest turn, there are zillions of moments,
there are thousands of brained creatures,
as that of yours, each one with different opinions.

Try to be yourself, value you get matters you and defines you,
and values you rate for others define them too.
But never compromise with your self-respect and attitude,
As they differentiate you from those brained thousands nearby.

Remember, Self-respect is respecting the one who boost your self esteem.
And Attitude is your way of carrying towards those thousands who have their own attitude too. 

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Thursday 23 February 2017

Heart - "Always follow my Path..."

       Yes, I always listen to you and go along with you. But at times you really makes me go crazy;
That I wonder what you are up to, that how do I walk? I get lost listening to you.

       Then neither I know to which path you are taking me nor to which way I am leading you.
But knowing you are happy when I touched your paths, that overwhelming feeling of mine keeps me moving.

      Even so I can't see anything  and who knows what is the whole story. Now, it's passion to become worthy to you and will faithfully move towards your Destination following your path. 
       Even if I receive only pain during the journey, I will take it as a reward and will always wear a smile and keep moving as I have realized that it all started with you and now, I want to end it on You.

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Sunday 19 February 2017

A true hidden Love ~ 'Perfect'

.......Then, You came to my life as a ray of promising sunshine, bringing happiness and a greatest hope altogether...... 
       Your nicest words and that shyness of yours when I looked deep into your eyes connected me on a deepest level. your cuteness brightened up my day and thoughts of yours played around at nights. I just couldn't stop staring at those cute little things you do as those cuteness of yours brought the true colours of happiness in me. You and your every actions pulled me closer to you and gave a promising hope. Those little moments spent with you brought out my true hidden love for you. I wanted to freeze that instant as it was just 'Perfect'.

      Having broken once, as that of yours I also had the truest mixed emotions, I stopped in dilemma but I gladly chose to walk into love with you because you are that person in my life who made me realized what actually love is. Given me a chance, in a single heartbeat, I would always choose you as you have that courage in you which I don't , the courage that can change my entire world with just having you around.

     Yes!! I would happily choose you because I yearn for that happiness, that perfectly imperfectness, those cute actions of these things make my world content ~ 'Perfect'.

Saturday 18 February 2017

In a blink of a moment...

......It was a beautiful full mooned evening, watching us being happy, it gazed and stood just in front of us. My heart raced but it controlled itself a bit and got attached to you, then all the pain that was there washed away. Those intense emotions of mine were so natural, those colorful lamps hung along the side of the pond intensified their brightness. The reflection of the moon at the middle of the pond got bigger, even brightened up the moment. A tuneful melodious music heard at the background evoked my emotions . Altogether, the ambiance elicited all my feelings for you. It was like a dream.

      Your glittering beautiful eyes and that cute dimpled smile of yours said many things. You were very sweet and lovely. I couldn't hold myself, everything happened in just a blink.
That warm hug had everything, the love which I always wanted to give you.
The care which I have always safeguarded was with that kiss on your forehead.
 That sweet kiss had all the emotions which I have been keeping pure and untouched.

In that just a blink, I have realized that our hearts happily exchanged their beats and shared their emotions too......

A silent voice

......There has been a fog of pain inside me, which I have been keeping deep down suppressed.
With the things happened in life ,it eventually started fading, scattering and got thinner . But it never got cleared and can never forget what had happened then.

The more I tried, the more it got deeper and denser. I have never told to anyone except my family ;my well-wishers. They have seen me and felt a bit of pain in me.
I thought time will make it alright, but what a life it has been.. Time instead, revolved and brought the same thing in a different way.

This time, at that moment, I tried my best to hold myself back as I was scared of that phase ,of that pain and about those haunting sleepless nights but my heart got released itself and skipped few beats. But it was happy and overwhelmed with true emotions.
Then when I realized after that moment, nothing was left in me except a more denser fog of pain than the one I had years ago......

Turn It Off And See What Happens

      Today's era has been evolving very fast and in a very different way that, for over a few decades, with technologies shaping up th...